1.1 This Association shall be known as the “International Association of Science and Technology”, hereinafter referred to as the “Association”.


2.1 Its place of business shall be at “3 Shenton Way#14-05, Shenton House Singapore 068805” or such other address as may subsequently be decided upon by the Executive Committee and approved by the Registrar of Societies. The Association shall carry out its activities only in places and premises which have the prior written approval from the relevant authorities, where necessary.


3.1 Its objects are :

  • 3.1.1 To promote the study and research on development of science and technology.
  • 3.1.2 To promote and foster cooperation, understanding and goodwill among Members from all over the world.
  • 3.1.3 To promote training courses and seminars related to science and technology.
  • 3.1.4 To be the co-ordinating body for Members in their approach to international bodies which the Association consider to be in the interest of its Members. Any dealings with international bodies shall be made in consultation with the respective local Government and Statutory Bodies.
  • 3.1.5 To organise meeting places for Members, so that they may, by cooperation and mutual exchange of ideas and views, advance the interests of Members and the Association.
  • 3.1.6 Generally to do all such other lawful things as the Association may consider incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Association or any of them.

4.1 There shall be the following categories of Members:

  • 4.1.1 Honorary Members
  • 4.1.2 Ordinary Members
  • 4.1.3 Associate Members
  • 4.1.4 Founding Members

Honorary Member: Conferred by the Association to an individual who does not possess any medical-related qualification but who has nonetheless contributed outstanding efforts to the science and technology recognised by the Association.

Ordinary Member: granted by application to applicants who holds related qualification at the tertiary level recognised by the Association.

Associate Member: granted by application to applicants who possess relevant experience recognised by the Association.

4.2 The Executive Committee shall maintain a Register containing particulars of all Members at the Association’s place of business that shall include the name and address of each Member.

4.3 A candidate seeking membership as an Ordinary Member or an Associate Member shall submit the application in the prescribed form to the Secretary-General.

4.4 The Membership Sub-Committee shall be responsible for defining the membership criteria in the Membership Bye-laws, subject to the approval by the Executive Committee, for all categories of membership. Upon receipt of the candidate’s application for membership, the Membership Sub-Committee shall consider and evaluate the application in accordance with the Membership Bye-laws and put up their report and recommendations to the Executive Committee. Such Membership Bye-laws will be circulated to all members and made available to prospective membership candidates and applicants.

4.5 The candidate for membership must be approved by not less than two-thirds of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee and the Membership Sub-Committee shall have the unfettered right to accept, decline or defer any application for membership without assigning any reason whatsoever.

4.6 The Executive Committee shall have the unfettered discretion to offer to an unsuccessful candidate for Ordinary Membership, an Associate Membership.

4.7 The membership of a successful candidate shall commence upon the candidate’s payment of the entrance fee and subscription for the current calendar year.

4.8 An unsuccessful candidate for membership shall not be proposed again within a period of six (6) months except with the consent of the Executive Committee.

4.9 The Executive Committee may invite any person who has rendered notable service to the Association to be elected as an Honorary Member by a majority of Members present at an Annual General Meeting of the Association.

4.10 An Honorary Member shall not be entitled to vote at any General Meeting nor shall he be allowed to be a member of the Executive Committee or any Sub-Committee.

4.11 An Honorary Member shall pay no subscriptions.

4.12 Ordinary Members shall be entitled to attend or vote at any General Meeting and shall be allowed to be a member of the Executive Committee or any Sub-Committee.

4.13 Ordinary Members shall pay subscriptions.

4.14 Associate Members shall not be entitled to vote at any General Meeting nor allowed to be a member of the Executive Committee or any Sub-Committee.

4.15 Associate Members shall pay subscriptions.

4.16 Founding Member status shall be accorded to Protem Committee members who first took the initiative in forming the Association and will automatically be admitted as Ordinary Members of the Association.


5.1 If the Member is a business, it can nominate one person to be the Accredited Representative of that Member.

5.2 An Ordinary Member or Associate Member’s nomination of the Accredited Representative shall be approved by the Executive Committee or the Membership Sub-Committee. Such approval may be withdrawn at any time in which event the Member shall re-nominate another person to be the Accredited Representative.

5.3 The appointment of an Accredited Representative may be revoked at any time by the Member in writing.

5.4 The Accredited Representative shall represent the Member in all dealings with the Association and represent the Member in General Meetings.

5.5 The Accredited Representative’s acts shall be deemed to be acts of the Member.


6.1 Entrance fees and annual subscriptions for Ordinary and Associate Members shall be fixed and may only be varied at a General Meeting by a simple majority of votes. Any special levy to be imposed on all Members for a particular purpose in furtherance of the objects of the Association may only be raised from Members at a General Meeting by a simple majority of votes.

6.2 The entrance fee is payable at the time of admission to membership.

6.3 Subscription is payable annually and in advance on the 1st day of each calendar year.

6.4 A Member joining in the first half of a calendar year shall pay a full year’s subscription and a Member joining during the second half of a calendar year shall pay three-quarters of a full year’s subscription for the first calendar year.

6.5 When a Member fails to pay the subscription or other approved dues within three months from the due date, the Executive Committee shall notify the Member of such failure, request the Member to pay the subscription and/or dues within a period to be decided by the Executive Committee and inform the Member that if payment is not received within the period prescribed, his membership shall automatically cease but without prejudice to the right of the Association to recover all monies due from the Member to the Association.

6.6 The Executive Committee may suspend the rights and privileges of a Member until he pays the arrears of the subscription or other approved dues.